I'm sitting here on the couch... relaxing after cleaning up the supper dishes.
I'm surrounded and I mean surrounded by noise. I've got Sweet Pea giggling her fool head off as "I" pushes her up and down the hallway in a laundry basket. The other two are yelling and laughing with the two neighbor boys who are beyond excited about actually being invited inside to play. Normally, I kick the kids outside when they come over to play but today it's just too darn cold. So they are excited and using outdoor voices in my inside.
At one point today, I was looking forward to a quiet relaxing evening.. Maybe sticking a movie on for the kids and just vegging on the couch...
Actually this happens quite often....
This is L. He is only 2 months older than T. He lives 2 houses down and comes over after he gets home from school quite often. He's a sweet and mostly silly boy.
He likes to watch us eat supper. The kids love it when he does.
We were just having cheeseburgers and french fries but he didn't seem to care.
Who am I kidding.. Any kid loves that meal!
After supper they ran off to play and within a matter of minutes Thor shows up...
Well not really.. That's L's older brother S. He's the same age as J.
So there you have it.. my own very loud kids plus 2 more very loud kids makes for a loud house. J just took the camera and ran around taking pictures... let's just say that the results have been interesting.....
I have no words for this... I don't even know what this is and how it managed to occupy my boys room..
oh wait... they are boys...
boys like this kind of stuff.....
The two seven year olds were very opposed to J taking their pictures.... as a result.. we get ninja boy pictures!
This little cutie had no problems with getting her picture taken....
So yes... I didn't get my nice quiet evening..... but my kids are so happy right now. I'll have quiet after they go to bed. Speaking of which... the first bedtime has arrived so I guess I'll have to send the boys home and get started on bedtime....
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