Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's that time of the year!

Hey everyone! My goodness March was not a good month for our family. It all started with "I"having croup one weekend, then came the sneezing, cough, fevers, ear infections and asthma attacks! For all four kids! Well the ear infections and asthma attacks was T but everyone had everything else. We are finally all mostly back to good health thank heavens! Usually we have been pretty lucky and only one or two kids get sick but this time it was all four and I felt like I was a human pillow and blankie for most of it.

Not only is it the time of year for sickness but we also got our tax return back which means that I get to shop for school books for next year! Yay! It's so fun to get new books!

Well it is now time to start lunch so this is all I can write. Until another time!

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