Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Summer in Pictures

Well it saddens me to say that summer is over.  The kids are sad that their friends next door have gone off to school and I'm happy and thankful that I don't have to send my kids off to school.  Otherwise this handsome little fellow would not be doing this right now...

Yes that's right.. If I didn't home school, I'd be sending this little buddy off to school today and my heart would be breaking along with all the other mommies who have to send their babies to school. commemorate the first day of school and the fact that I don't HAVE to get dressed right away for fear of neighbour kids knocking on the door first thing I thought I'd write a blog almost completely of pictures.   Here we go.. here was our summer.

At the beginning of the summer we were very fortunate to have walked into my sister's barn just at the exact moment that an ewe was giving birth to the second of a set of twins.  It was fascinating, gross and cool!

  We built a sandbox and I put the kids to work.
But they all enjoyed it when the work was done.

There were plenty of sword fights. 

And play doh creations.

Some hospital visits...... 

And plenty of Lemonade stands.  All their proceeds went to Africa and over the summer they made almost 200 dollars.  Most of which went towards buying treats and a trampoline for an orphanage in Mozambique.

Learned some interesting history....

And made a home made slip and slide!

Mommy got to go out and have some yummy fancy food!

And we had lots of bbq's....

There were parades with friends.... 

And princesses to wave at....

We were given a trampoline for loads of fun!

We can't forget sharing towels with little sisters who are "coldy"


And that little sister doing what she does best.....

 We had campouts at the cottage.....

And library reading clubs 

 We made raspberry jam and got it all over our lips.

 And hung out with the cutest crazy haired baby...

We hung out at friends houses.....

And got to see other friends from afar!

Learned some photography skills....

We stayed at a friends camper......

Where some of us were just too cool....

We went to the beach ALOT!

Where we buried little boys and....

 made sand turtles...

Hay rides.... 

and crazy cousin pretend rides.....

Three year old birthdays.... 

and forty year old birthdays... (not me I've got a few years yet)

Boys who try to break dance and end up falling on their face....

 One last camp fire.....
 Complete with spooky stories.....
that were more funny and silly than spooky....

Swinging on the swing with daddy......
Watching the last sunset of the summer.....

There you have it.... Our busy fun filled summer.  There were lots of other stuff we did that didn't involve too many pictures but this was most of it.  And now... as though he knows that the end of summer has come, my little kindergarten-er is begging to do his new school books... even though we aren't supposed to start until Tuesday... Oh well, he'll just get ahead..... love my life.

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